Thursday, May 10, 2012

I'm a Christian. Deal with it.

God has a lot to say about us... and I like reading about His perspective. 
It's so good!!!!

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about how much of the world despises Christianity. I'm sure some of that has to do with the fact that some "Christians" aren't living like true Christians. {Haven't we all been there at some point... and yep... I still find myself falling short. Surprise, surprise. I'm/We're human.} 
But in the same way, I've been realizing that if you don't have a personal revelation {def: the making known of a secret or the unknown. revealing divine truth} from God that He is who He says He is - then of course, the Bible isn't going to make sense to you... and of course you're going to look at the things we Christians believe & think we're craaaazy
And as a Christian - I understand that. 
"You will be hated by men for my names sake." Luke 21:17 
I get that

It's like a person {a} who NEVER exercises compared to someone {b} who is in the gym 24/7. {a} will never understand why {b} goes to the gym all the time. {a} will make judgements on {b} like, "they're too concerned with their body" , "they need to rest" , "how can they work out so hard" , etc. And the whole time {b} will be at the gym enjoying themselves, working hard, seeing results and loving it. but {a} will never understand that until they go in the gym themselves. and {a} might start going to the gym and still have a hard time understanding why people like working out BUT if {a} sticks with it, she'll start to love it. And {a} will gain a personal desire to want to work out, to want to push themselves harder, etc. 

And that's just the same with Christianity & what I believe. You will never fully understand biblical standards until you put yourself in the position to want to
