Thursday, October 4, 2012

Morning, Interepputed.

So I'm house-sitting this week. 
All is well. Nothing to complain about.
I'm getting ready to leave for work, walk out the front door and am greeted by a busted car window.
And my backpack stolen out of the car.
Out of the car, that's not mine.
And if that wasn't too much for me at 6:30 in the morning..
I go to try and start my car,
andddddd nothing happens.
Sometimes, our mornings get interrupted and we have to learn how to choose joy instead of wanting to wring someone's neck. 
It took me awhile. 
Ok, scratch that. 
It's taking me awhile. 

God bless the person who broke a window with a cement block, to steal a backpack that has nothing in it but my school notes. 
Maybe they'll learn something about skincare. Or just find my backpack a piece of crap and throw it back on the front yard.

Happy Thursday, hope yours started out better than mine!

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