Monday, March 10, 2014

So since I've been MIA from my blog - I've picked up the art of waxing/sugaring vaginas. Yup, you read that right... I have the fine privilege of seeing about 10-14 vajays, a day. Sometimes 16. 
My life is crazy.

I never thought I would be doing this as a career, but here I am. Some days are harder than others, as every woman's lady part is different. TMI? Sorry. But as of late, I've been getting the itch to do something different. Do you get that way too? You start something, and then you think of something else thats cool and want to move on to that thing... and then the next thing, and then the next. I'm convinced I should've been born into lots of money so I can do all the things I love with no worries, and insurance. =/
But lately I'm learning, and embracing, that I have to work really hard to do what I love.. and to live the life I want. But how does a person do what they love, when they love a lot of things? I'm still trying to figure that one out. 

God help me.

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